Saturday, November 10, 2012

Ding Dong the Mormon's gone

Thanks to the determination of millions of good people the Mormon has been stopped. The GOP and it's Mormon figurehead tried to stop the good people from voting but they only made us angrier and more determined. Cry in your beer, white power "conservatives." Your day is gone.

Karl Rove In Denial, Melts Down On Fox News, Attempts To Get Network To Rescind Calling Election

Karl Rove In Denial, Melts Down On Fox News, Attempts To Get Network To Rescind Calling Election

It's been a weird night at Fox News, and it got even weirder in the moments after every network, wire service, and amateur mathematician called the election for President Obama. That's because Fox News contributor Karl Rove—who spent millions attempting to get Romney elected—bizarrely refused to accept his own network's conclusion that Obama had won Ohio, attempting to string together a way in which Romney could could the Buckeye State.
His story grew more ludicrous as he continued talking, and even his on-air colleagues appeared to attempt to talk him out of continuing before Rove become a blubbering pool of, uh, blubber. Too late. [Fox News]